Children’s Cancer Institute exists solely to put an end to childhood cancer. We don’t just hope to do it. We will do it.

Sixty years ago, cancer was nearly always a death sentence for a child. Today, eight out of 10 children survive – and it’s medical research that has made this huge difference.

However, despite our progress, more than 950 children and adolescents in Australia are still diagnosed with cancer every year. Every week, nearly three children in Australia die from cancer.

Children’s Cancer Institute is the only independent medical research institute in Australia wholly dedicated to curing childhood cancer.

Our focus is on translational research: working closely with clinicians in paediatric hospitals throughout Australia to ensure our discoveries are progressed into actual treatments for kids with cancer as quickly as possible.

Curing childhood cancer. It’s not if. It’s when.


We need your help

Cancer kills more children than any other disease in Australia. It is second only to breast cancer in terms of the number of years of life lost.

Childhood cancer also occurs and behaves differently to adult cancer, which is why adult cancer treatments often do not work for children. And as big pharmaceutical companies tend to only focus their research on the large adult cancer markets, research dedicated solely to childhood cancer is essential.

This makes our role vital. As the only independent research institute in Australia wholly dedicated to childhood cancer, it’s up to us to make sure that our discoveries are progressed into new treatments for kids as quickly as possible.

But we can’t do it without you.

The cost of the infrastructure, equipment and operational support required to sustain our research is high. Every dollar we receive from government and granting bodies must be matched with a dollar raised by the community.

There are so many ways to show your support, from donations to fundraising to volunteering – so be a part of our success and get involved today.

It’s not if. It’s when.

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